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I have traveled England, mainly in East Anglia, since 2006, photographing and enjoying our ancient, and not so ancient churches. I started off as a non Christian but was baptised  in 2008, now enjoying our churches both as a practicing Christian, as well as someone interested in ancient buildings, as well as someone who just needs to escape as times for some peace.

To start with, I was mainly interested in stone carvings but, as I visited more churches, the stained glass became more important to me, These days, I tend to photograph more stained glass than anything else.

A couple of years ago, in 2018, I traced the Easter story in stained glass during Holy Week on my Facebook page. This went down well, with viewing figures being roughly double what I would normally have expected.  This was repeated during Advent and again, interest was relatively high.

The idea grew to create a website which would trace Jesus, through Old Testament prophecies, through His early life and ministry, through the events of Easter to the resurrection. What you see here, is what I have seen myself at this point in time. As I continue to travel, I will doubtless see more and pages will be added as and when I see new things.

As would be expected there is much glass depicting the Nativity, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. Some very important things though do not transfer well in to visual depictions in glass though. For example, when Jesus said "I am the way the truth ans the life" this is an extremely important saying but it is not easy to represent this is a glass depiction.  For this reason, the life and ministry of Jesus is as complete as I can get it given the fact that some parts of His story are liable not to have been depicted!

There is a wide variety of styles within the pages here, from the flamboyant joy of the medieval glass artists to windows of the last few years. 

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life   John  3 : 16.   NIV version.

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